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Academic Language Scripts


Requesting Assistance(助けを求める)

  • Could you please help me?
  • I'm having trouble with this.  Would you mind helping me?
  • Could you please show me how to do this ..., write this ..., draw this ..., pronounce this ..., solve this?


  • Excuse me, but ... (I don't understand.)
  • Sorry for interrupting, but ... (I missed what you said.)
  • May I interrupt for a moment?
  • May I add something here?

Asking for Clarification(説明を求める)

  • Could you repeat that?
  • Could you give me an example of that?
  • I have a question about that:  ...?
  • Could you please explain what _____ means?
  • Would you mind repeating that?
  • I'm not sure I understood that.  Could you please give us another example?
  • So, do you mean ...?

Probing for Higher Level Thinking(深く掘り下げる)

  • What examples do you have of ...?
  • Where in the text can we find ...?
  • I understand ..., but I wonder about ....
  • How does this idea connect to ...?
  • If _____ is true, then ...?
  • What would happen if ...?
  • Do you agree or disagree with his/her statement?  Why?
  • What is another way to look at it?
  • How are _____ and _____ similar?
  • Why is _____ important?
  • How do you know that?  Can you give an example?
  • Is there another way to look at this?

Expressing an Opinion(自分の意見を述べる)

  • I think/believe/predict/imagine that ....
  • In my opinion ....
  • It seems to me that ....
  • Not everyone will agree with me, but ....

Building on What Others Say(他人の発言を広げる)

  • I agree with what _____ said because ....
  • You bring up an interesting point, and I also think ....
  • That's and interesting idea.  I wonder ...?  I think ...  Do you think ...?
  • I thought about that also, and I'm wondering why ...?
  • I hadn't thought of that before.  You make me wonder if ...?  Do you think ...?
  • _____ said that ....  I agree and also think ....
  • Based on the ideas from _____, _____, and _____, it seems like we all think that ....
  • That's an excellent point, and I would add ....

Soliciting a Response(意見を求める)

  • Do you agree?
  • _____ (name), what do you think?
  • Can someone else ask a question or offer an opinion?
  • _____ (name), what did you understand from that answer?


  • I don't really agree with you because ....
  • I see it another way.  I think ....
  • My idea is slightly different from yours.  I believe that ....  I think that ....
  • I have a different answer than you ....

Offering a Suggestion(提案をする)

  • Maybe you/we could ....
  • Here's something you/we might try.
  • What if you/we ...?

Classroom Reporting(伝聞する)

  • _____ explained to me that ....
  • _____ pointed out that ....
  • _____ mentioned that ....
  • _____ shared with me that ....
  • _____ brought to my attention that..,
  • _____ pointed out something (interesting/intriguing/surprising).

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